Traveling internationally is one of the most rewarding and fun experiences you can have on your own or with your friends and family. But everyone knows that the best trips are the ones planned ahead of time. You can only have the time of your life if you check that […]
Adventure and Backpacking
8 Blissful Hikes in San Diego
Nestled in the heart of Southern California, San Diego is a popular locale that has a hiking trail for everyone. A centerpoint that caters to many different interests, this gem of a town has geography that consists of diverse backcountry ranging from gorgeous beaches, to palm oases, mixed conifer forests, […]
5 Best Places to Swim with Otters
Walking the planet and swimming around in its oceans for the last five million years, otters are believed to be some of the most skilled and intelligent critters in the world. How did this second-smallest marine mammal get so lucky to be endowed with both smarts and good looks? I mean, otters […]
Thirteen Life Changing Things to Do in Ecuador
Straddling the equator, and nuzzled beneath Colombia and above Peru, Ecuador is the second smallest country in South America, but offers more biodiversity than almost any country in the world. Ecuador has an oasis of terrain varieties ranging from the Amazon rainforest, to the Cotopaxi volcano, or from white sand […]
Best Places to Travel Alone
At the end of the day, you’re your own best friend. If you think you can put up with yourself long enough to solo travel, then you’re ready to set sail on some glorious adventures. Traveling as an individual allows you to be free in the sense that you don’t […]