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ConCon Beach

Best Beaches in Chile 2020

With over four thousand kilometers of coastline that extends all the way up to Peru and down to the Strait of Magellan, Chile has many untouched forests, lakes, islands, volcanoes, and striking white and black sand beaches that span along Pacific coast of South America. Along the Northern part of […]

Turks Caicos Beaches

11 Best Beaches in Turks and Caicos

The Turks and Caicos Islands are a secret gem of the Atlantic Ocean. They’re a British Overseas Territory and are divided into two main parts: the larger Caicos Islands and the smaller Turks Islands. Only around 30,000 people call Turks and Caicos home, but many more come here every year […]

Oahu Beaches

The 10 Best Beaches in Oahu

Hawaii is known to be pretty much the definition of heaven on earth. It looks like the place where we all want to vacation and spend our days lounging in the sun. But Hawaii has many, many beaches. They all have their own charm, but Oahu stands out as a […]

Peru Beaches

10 Best Beaches in Peru for 2020

It’s the heart of Summer, which means it’s practically a given that a trip to some coastal waters must be made at least once before sweatshirt weather starts again. So what about a trip to Peru? Does Peru have beaches? Yes! With Peru’s two thousand four hundred kilometers worth of […]

San Juan Del Sur

10 Best Beaches in Nicaragua of 2020

Ah, Nicaragua! The country is known as the land of volcanoes, lakes, and rainforests. Nicaragua is a natural beauty and doesn’t need to be boasted at all. The beautiful landscapes and stunning wildlife prove just why so many people have fallen in love with the country. Nicaragua is bathed by […]

Oregon Beaches

10 Best Beaches in Oregon For 2020

It’s summertime which means it’s basically mandatory to visit the beach at least once this season. Whether you enjoy swimming or surfing, playing a good ol’ game of beach volleyball, or prefer to be a beach bum basking in the rays of the warm sunshine, the coast is a great […]

Koh Tao in Thailand

Ten Fun Things to Do in Thailand

Thailand’s beautiful white sand beaches, blue sea waters, tasty Thai food, dazzling temples, and lively city of Bangkok, make it the number one tourist spot in Southeast Asia, and a dream destination for many around the world. Known as ‘The Land of Smiles,’ Thailand is home to many smiling faces, […]